2015年度 第8回ゼミ(2015.6.27)

Lean Management, a comparison of Japanese and Belgian manufacturing SMEs
During the seminar, I introduced my master thesis and talked about the objectives, research methodology and future plan. The topic of my research is a comparison of Japanese and Belgian manufacturing Small and Medium Enterprises in terms of lean management. In order to do this, I am using a questionnaire, interviews and field visits. Furthermore, I discussed the insights that I already had so far, after one field visit and around 10 questionnaire responses. Based on the questionnaire results, the first impression is that Japanese companies strongly focus on quality and speed, and that there is attention for continuous improvement. Even though lean terminology might generally be not so well known, they use a lot of the lean techniques to make the production more efficient. However, since this is only the beginning of my research, these first insights can still change during the rest of the research.
Author:Jasmien Dierickx
取り上げるべき 具体的な経営課題ついては、思案中ですが、収益性、差別化、選択と集中、内部完結型の強み、弱み、グローバル化、サービタイゼーションといった、現在日本の製造企業が直面している問題の中から、一つを選び、その発生メカニズムとその対応策について、考えていきたい。