執筆者:Mohammad Murshed Kaji(加地 モハマドマルシェド)
- Japanese citizen of Bangladesh ethnicity.
- Came to Japan to enroll Tokai University after completed High School in 1994.
- Completed Bachelor and Masters in Electronics & Information Engineering from Tokai University in 1999 & 2001 respectively.
- Completed M.B.A from University of Tsukuba in 2011.
- Enrolled in Ph. D. program at Innovation Management (Hidaka Lab) in Tokyo Institute of Technology(TIT) in 2012.
- Senior Principal Engineer (Product, Process, NPI. Test & QA Engineering) at FormFactor Inc. California, USA. Previously worked at Panasonic and Spansion in Singapore & Japan.
- Transferred to California, USA from Japan in December 2012, November by FormFactor Inc.
- Dropped out from TIT’s Ph. D. program in 2017.